

Grand Legend
Hyvin on mennyt maahantuojan ja valmistajan propaganda läpi ja toimittajat eivät viitsi edes annatuista luvuista laskea mikä on totuus.

PSA Groupin myynti jatkoi kasvuaan kolmantena vuonna peräkkäin – vain yksi maanosa teki isosti miinusta

Todellisuudessa myynti ei kasvanut yhtään, päinvastoin se laski hieman. Nyt vaan Iranin pakotteiden ja kauppassaarron päättymisen vuoksi siellä lisenssillä valmistetut autot on saatu raportoitua PSA:n valmistusmääriin. Autoja kyllä tehtiin aiemminkin ja ainakin periaatteessa ilman lupaa, joskin tainnut olla vain silmänlumetta ja sopimukset enemmänkin suullisia. Toki PSA ei ole pakotteiden aikana voinut kotiuttaa tuloja Iranista ja siten pakotteiden päättyminen on ollut PSA:lle positiivista.
Peugeot on julkistanut uuden Partner Tepee Electric sähköautomallin. Malli on esillä maaliskuussa Geneven autonäyttelyssä ja se tulee myyntiin tämän vuoden syyskuussa.

Nyt on ainakin sähköauton takakontissa tilaa. Tiedä sitten sitä olisiko siitä voinut vähän tinkiä ja saada hieman lisää rangea. Hintoja ja Geneven ensiesittelyä odotellessa, ohessa englanninkielinen lehdistötiedote:

The freedom of driving 100% electric


The best kind of liveability and modularity

The new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric features the liveability and practicality for which the Peugeot Partner Tepee leisure activity vehicle is known. With its modulability, five passengers fit comfortably inside, and transporting large objects is easy:

- 5 seats, with the possibility of removing the three seats in the second row to free up a flat floor;

- Boot volume among the best in the category, with up to 1,350 litres with five passengers and 3,000 litres with two passengers and the seats in the second row removed;

- Exclusive on the segment, the large tailgate and rear window can be opened to make it easy to load the boot in any conditions.

This remarkable modularity can be adapted to all kinds of activities. Taking children to school, carpooling to work, and transporting bicycles for a ride with family or friends are now all possible with this 100%-electric leisure vehicle.

Everyday practicality

For even more peace of mind and comfort during your trips, the new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric offers features remotely controlled from a smartphone or tablet:
  • Programme the heat or air conditioning in the passenger compartment;
  • See the battery charge;
  • Estimate the duration of the recharge.
The remote control of heat and air conditioning makes it possible to preset the temperature in the passenger compartment before getting in the vehicle. If it is programmed at least 30 minutes in advance, the driver will enjoy optimal thermal comfort. This exclusive feature will work whether the vehicle is charging or not:
  • When the vehicle is charging, the temperature preset does not affect the range;
  • When it is not charging, the driver can simply indicate the battery charge level to preserve for the next trip.
The new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric offers a wide range of useful and effective equipment to guarantee safety and make both driving and life easier every day.

Comfortable and ergonomic, the passenger compartment provides 78 litres of open or closed storage space.

The cruise control, the direct tyre pressure monitor, the electronic stability control (ESC) paired with the hill-start assist, the manual climate control, the radio and CD and MP3 players, the two sliding side doors, and the height-adjustable driver's seat are available as standard.

The reversing camera, available as an option, uses the large colour screen to simplify parking every day. To make low-speed manoeuvring even easier, the rear parking assistance available as standard on the second level can be complemented by front parking assistance.

In touch with the present day, the new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric features a perfectly integrated large, seven-inch colour touch screen in the middle of the dashboard, always within view and arm's reach. Available as standard for the second level, it allows the drive to access various features: the on-board computer, AM/FM radio, digital DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) as an option, reading of music files on mobile devices, hands-free telephone, and navigation.

It also includes the best of on-board connectivity: Bluetooth®, USB port, jack plug, and the MirrorScreen function. From a smartphone compatible with Mirrorlink® or Apple Carplay®, the MirrorScreen lets users duplicate the best of their mobile applications on the large touch screen in the vehicle, so they can safely and fully enjoy them.

Navigation, available as an option, includes speed limit and traffic information display.

Advantages of zero-emissions mobility

In addition to all its modularity and practicality, the new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric offers specific advantages related to its electric power chain.

With this power chain, users can drive in regulated-emissions zones and during restricted-traffic times, without compromising practicality of use or the pleasure of driving.

More and more municipalities are encouraging the development of electric vehicles with advantages just for them, like free or discounted parking or reserved lanes. For professionals, electric vehicles are exempt from certain taxes, such as the Company Vehicle Tax (TVS) in France.

Its rapid recharge mode to 80% in 30 minutes, available as an option, provides drivers with more daily trips.

The new, 100%-electric version reduces environmental impact while offering a perfect solution for multiple everyday activities.

Less costly to run

The new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric also provides worry-free maintenance at about 30% less than an internal combustion vehicle:
  • Its traction battery is guaranteed for eight years or 100,000 km, and its electric power chain is guaranteed for five years or 50,000 km, whichever comes first;
  • Maintenance, every two years or 40,000 km after the first year, does not require oil, a belt, or liquid coolant.
  • With no gearbox or clutch, there are fewer components to inspect.
  • With the double energy recovery through deceleration and braking, the brakes are used less, and wear out less easily.
Furthermore, the energy cost per kilometre of electric recharging is about four times less than that of fuel for an internal combustion vehicle.

100% electric driving pleasure

Designed based on the Peugeot Partner Tepee leisure activity vehicle with an internal combustion engine, the new Partner Tepee Electric borrows the electric power chain from the Peugeot Partner Electric van, tried and tested since 2013.

The electric motor—high-performing, compact, synchronous with permanent magnets, 49 kW (67 hp)/200 Nm—is located under the bonnet.

The two lithium-ion battery packs, with high energy density and a 22.5-kWh capacity, are located in the underframe at either side of the rear suspension. This location lowers the centre of gravity for dynamic driving and good manoeuvrability in the new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric. It also preserves the liveability of the Partner Tepee, as well as its reference boot volume.

The electric motor, with instantly available torque, is paired with single speed constant ratio transmission. It offers dynamic, flexible driving as soon as it starts, all the way through every phase of acceleration. All without changing gears—or an automatic gearbox can be added.

As soon as the wheels begin to turn, the vehicle provides a peaceful driving experience free of noise and vibration from the electric power chain. In the quiet atmosphere of the new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric, trips become less tiring and conversations easier.

To adapt to everyday needs, the Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric offers to battery charging modes:
  • a standard charge on a traditional domestic outlet (8-A or 10-A, depending on the country) or the secured Green Up charge (14-A). That means a full recharge (from an empty battery) takes eight and a half, 12 or 15 hours depending on outlet amperage.
  • a rapid charge that meets the CHAdeMO (95-A) standard recovers 80% of battery capacity in 30 minutes.
The regular charging flap is located on the right front fender, while the rapid-charge outlet takes the place of the gas tank flap on the left rear fender.

Recommended service providers in the Peugeot network offer solutions for installing an outlet at an individual home or collective building, such as a business.

The new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric has a 170-km range on the New European Driving Cycle, and brings together a set of features to optimize the range during real-life usage:

- The highly visible, combined energy consumption/regeneration indicator helps the driver constantly work to adopt low-energy driving;

- An auxiliary consumption gauge (heat and air-conditioning) fills out the driver information display. The on-board computer displays remaining range and mean consumption in kWh;

- The double energy recovery in the deceleration phase and the active braking phase converts kinetic energy into electric energy. Vehicle range in the driving phase is thus better preserved;

- 100% electric-origin heating offers fast heating in the passenger compartment. It also features an “Eco” setting to prevent overconsumption of electricity through the ventilation system to promote vehicle range.

Peugeot and the sustainable model

Peugeot is the only brand in the world to market a comprehensive sustainable mobility offering: electric-assist scooters and bikes and an electric motor-scooter, in addition to personal and utility cars.         

With the Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric leisure activity vehicle the brand is further filling out its range of electric mobility products, which includes:
  • the Peugeot iOn urban saloon;
  • the Peugeot Partner Electric van;
  • the new Peugeot GenZe (Generation Zero emission) electric motor-scooter;
  • a range of electric-assist bicycles for every condition: road, hybrid, and mountain bikes, with new products including the 2017 eF01, the first electric-assist folding bike from Peugeot, and the Eu01, for riding at 45 km/h;
  • the Peugeot e-Kick electric-assist scooter, from a partnership with MICRO.
The multimodal e-Kick and eF01 feature ergonomic design from the Peugeot Design Lab, making them easier to use. Their transport, use, and storage have been optimized. They are two complementary mobility solutions for easily covering the last kilometres of your journey once you have parked your vehicle. A docking station lets users store them in the boot of any vehicle equipped with a 12-V outlet, such as the new Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric, and to recharge them whenever the vehicle is in operation. They can also be recharged at a home on a traditional outlet.

Today, Peugeot is responding to new urban mobility challenges at a time of increasingly limited access to city centres.

In line with its commitments for reducing the environmental impact of its end-of-life vehicles, PSA has joined with the SNAM, the European leader in high-voltage battery collection and recycling.

Signed within the framework of the PSA-SNAM partnership in place since 2012 in France, the end-of-2015 agreement guarantees the quality of collection and recycling of batteries from Group electric and hybrid vehicles in end-of-life, across its commercial network and production sites in Europe.

The SNAM obtains performances of 70% efficiency of recycled materials for electric vehicle Li-ion batteries and 84% for hybrid vehicle Ni-MH batteries. These rates lie well above the European regulation threshold of 50% materials recycling.
Konsepti toki vain ja tietsikalla piirrelty, mutta härskin retro sivuprofiili kuitenkin


"Kuolaatko sinäkin tätä Peugeotin konseptiautoa? Pääjohtaja Twitterissä: "Mikäli saamme kasaan 500 000 nimeä..."


Mikäli ranskalaisvalmistajan näyttävä konsepti sykähdytti sinuakin, nyt on aika toimia.

Peugeot toi Pariisin autonäyttelyyn mykistävän upean ja samaan aikaan sekä futuristisen että nostalgisen e-Legend Conceptin. Valmistajan mukaan konseptiautossa kiteytyy heidän 120-vuotinen osaamisensa autojen suunnittelusta.

Peugeot kuvaili konseptia jo tuoreeltaan radikaaliksi, mutta realistiseksi. Siinä on nähtävissä selviä yhtäläisyyksiä 504 Coupeen, jonka Peugeot esitteli 50 vuotta sitten.

Kyseessä on autonomiseen ajamiseen kykenevä sähköauto. Kahdesta sähkömoottorista saadaan irti noin 460 hevosvoimaa, ja nollasta sataan ampaistaan alle neljässä sekunnissa. Konseptiauton toimintamatka yhdellä latauksella on Peugeotin mukaan jopa 600 kilometriä.

Haluatko e-Legendin tuotantoon? Allekirjoita!

Peugeotin pääjohtaja Jean-Philippe Imparato meni jo vähän lupailemaan, että yhtiön lienee harkittava e-Legendin tuotantoversion valmistamista, mikäli tämän linkin ( takaa löytyvä adressi saa yli 500 000 allekirjoitusta.

Ainakin tuo 270+115+115=500 laskuoppi ei tule pätemään tuon auton kanssa. Pösön "kaurapuuromalli" kun tuli ulos, niin 200+110+112 onkin "vain" 300. Sama pätee kaikilla valmistajilla niin tehon kuin väännön kanssa..

Eli onkohan joku kertonut markkinamiehille kuinka laskuoppi näissä hommissa menee, ja sitten häntä koipien välissä lakaistu malli maton alle hautumaan, kun paukut ei riitäkkään siihen kuinka henkselit on paukkuneet...?
ConD sanoi:
Ainakin tuo 270+115+115=500 laskuoppi ei tule pätemään tuon auton kanssa. Pösön "kaurapuuromalli" kun tuli ulos, niin 200+110+112 onkin "vain" 300. Sama pätee kaikilla valmistajilla niin tehon kuin väännön kanssa..

Eli onkohan joku kertonut markkinamiehille kuinka laskuoppi näissä hommissa menee,
ja sitten häntä koipien välissä lakaistu malli maton alle hautumaan, kun paukut ei riitäkkään siihen kuinka henkselit on paukkuneet...?
Itse en ole markkinamies todellakaan, mutta en ole koskaan miettinyt miten tämä ko laskuoppi menee. Pystytkö selkokielellä valaisemaan tietämätöntä? :)
Bensa- tai dieselmoottoreiden teho- ja vääntöhuiput ei ole vakioita vaan ne sijoittuvat jonnekin tietylle kierrosalueelle. Sähköllä tilanne on tieman toinen, mutta kuitenkin niin että varsin usein moottorin maksimivääntöä tai tehoa joudutaan rajoittamaan syystä tai toisesta. Usein jopa sähköntuoton eli akkujen vuoksi.

Näin ollen moottorien yhteisvääntöä tai yhteistehoa ei saada ulos yhtäaikaa, eli 1+1+1=3 ei onnistu, vaan tilanne on usein 1+1+1= vaikkapa 2,5
Akuissa annettavaa tehoa rajoittaa joko pääsulakkeet taikka akun kemia.

Kemioissa voidaan optimoida virran vastaanottokykyä taikka luovutusta. Taitaa olla kyllä kauhun tasapaino näissä. Akkutekniikka vasta hakee ”muotoaan” eikä kaikilla ole vielä ihan tieto/taitoa mikä olisi paras kombinaatio.,c3008559

Tuon uutisen mukaan kaikissa hybridimalleissa olisi ILP ja vetokoukkumahdollisuus.

Latauskohtaa jäin miettimään, onko tuo asiointilataus siis 1x32A? Tuollaisen latausnopeus on kotioloissa (max 3x16A) aika surkea nykypäivän oloihin?

”Akun kapasiteetti on 11,8 KWh HYBRID ja 13,2 KWh HYBRID4-versiossa ja ajoneuvolaturi on aina 7,4 kW. Latausaika on 7 tuntia peruspistokkeesta (8A), 4 tuntia vahvistetusta pistorasiasta (14A) tai 1,45 tuntia Wallbox-kotilatauslaitteella (32A).”
JiiJii71 sanoi:
Latauskohtaa jäin miettimään, onko tuo asiointilataus siis 1x32A? Tuollaisen latausnopeus on kotioloissa (max 3x16A) aika surkea nykypäivän oloihin?

Käytännössä 6kW saa vaiheiden summaavalla laturilla 3x16A sulakkeesta.
JiiJii71 sanoi:,c3008559

Tuon uutisen mukaan kaikissa hybridimalleissa olisi ILP ja vetokoukkumahdollisuus.

Latauskohtaa jäin miettimään, onko tuo asiointilataus siis 1x32A? Tuollaisen latausnopeus on kotioloissa (max 3x16A) aika surkea nykypäivän oloihin?

”Akun kapasiteetti on 11,8 KWh HYBRID ja 13,2 KWh HYBRID4-versiossa ja ajoneuvolaturi on aina 7,4 kW. Latausaika on 7 tuntia peruspistokkeesta (8A), 4 tuntia vahvistetusta pistorasiasta (14A) tai 1,45 tuntia Wallbox-kotilatauslaitteella (32A).”

Tuosta 1x32A asiointilatauksesta olisi ollut allekirjoittaneelle paljonkin iloa (vrt. Voltin 1X16A). Riittäisi usein täyttämään akun ruokailun tai kauppareissun aikana ja muuttaa K-latauksen suht. edukkaaksi ja Fortuminkin 4snt/min laskee bensan alle. Seat Miin laturi ilmeisesti voi ottaa joko 1x32A tai 2x16A ja samaa tietysti toivoisi kaikilta 7kW latureilta.

Erinomainen juttu tuo ilppi.
Tasan auto aloittaa Pösö-myynnin Suzukin rinnalla. Tämä lienee Sports Car Centerin lisäksi ainoa autokauppa, jossa en ole Jkl:n alueella käynyt. Pitäisiköhän uutta 508:a käydä mulkaisemassa...